I like you bringing shade and rendering while still being pixelated.
I like you bringing shade and rendering while still being pixelated.
Drawn in 20 minutes, cleaned up in 2 hours, and ready to overstay his welcome in a clock video for 14 minutes.
Seriously, this nails the NG "house style" hard.
Awesome "Day of the Tentacle"/Lucasarts vibes while maintaining a vectored look.
The face sells this design hard.
Mikunopolis in Los Angeles -Happy to eat you! I'm Hatsune Miku-
Nice departure into shading and shadows from your usual flatter style.
Cool almost tribal use of repeated elements as details. Kind of reminds me of a mascot for a Linux distro.
You say the composition is rushed, but I dig the rule of thirds things going on here, and the distortion just adds to the dynamism.
I really like this animal series as a triptych, especially the differentiation via colour. You should do more at some point.
Amazingly fresh idea for a collab. I love "asset" collabs. Shout out to @Anonymous-Frog Even here, never just a cog in the machine.
I code jockey for https://kittyhawkmontrose.newgrounds.com/
Profile pic by https://raviolibox.newgrounds.com/
Joined on 9/17/19