I apt-got hard.
I apt-got hard.
Movie proportions Bondi is a treat. It's like the the 1990 TMNT film April.
No notes.
Two post. Two towers. It rhymes.
The sun (and the moon) shining beautifully.
Happy B-Day Dies!
Love interpreting her in the AF "house style".
Great energy. I like how you aren't afraid to push the distortion not just on Peppino but Ellena.
I like you bringing shade and rendering while still being pixelated.
Drawn in 20 minutes, cleaned up in 2 hours, and ready to overstay his welcome in a clock video for 14 minutes.
Seriously, this nails the NG "house style" hard.
I code jockey for https://kittyhawkmontrose.newgrounds.com/
Profile pic by https://raviolibox.newgrounds.com/
Joined on 9/17/19