Finally a reason to dust off my Lounge client that’s just sitting around
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Joined on 9/17/19
Finally a reason to dust off my Lounge client that’s just sitting around
just a passerby, but I wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and appreciate the effort and research you put into them.
Thanks man. I realise it can become a wall of text, but I try not just vaguely complain. :) Glad the style hits at least sometimes.
Hey! I'm about to head to bed but just saw you followed me. How did you find me?
Ha. Well to be honest, I've been meaning to follow you for awhile. I saw you around arguing with the right people and when I checked out your stuff, I liked it. You'd have thought NG would have long satiated my D+B and wub wub itches, but here we are. When you reacted to my post a few minutes ago it reminded me.
@alsoknownas1 Arguing with the right people. Wow that's one I haven't heard before! But happy to finally make your acquaintance!
And yes, but I've learned long enough there is never enough wub or dub haha. At least, I can't seem to make enough of it. I can't figure out why I ever stopped.
Currently looking for an animator or a video editor for my last piece. I'd really like at least one music video to post up here on NG, where most of my die hard fanbase and commissioners are. It's my home
It's 2023, why not just set up a Discord server?
Why thank you for asking! I love evangelising tech choices.
Discord requires an account. IRC can be accessed anonymously.
All Discord messages including "private" ones are centrally stored in perpetuity. Our IRC server doesn't store private messages at all and limits its logs of public channels.
At less than a decade old, in the process of becoming a public company, and having recently experienced valuation markdowns, Discord simply cannot be trusted to continue to operate "as is" even on a short timescale. Just two years ago it blocked access to its newest clients for what was estimated at the time to be 40% of its communities. Discord has often removed whole categories of TOS compliant communities, even communities with millions of users, solely at investor pleasure.
IRC is a 35 year old open standard that can be self hosted practically until the end of time with no third party control.
IRC supports hundreds if not thousands of clients, everything from command line utilities to beautiful macOS software.
Discord actively fights third party clients. Its official clients consist of a bloated web page, that same bloated web client in an even more bloated Electron app, and two proprietary phone clients.
As a proprietary SaaS platform, integration with Discord is limited and a moving target.
Montrose makes chat a part of streaming and other services and needs a stable codebase.
I have written an IRC client. If it came down to it, I could write a basic IRC server. Discord is so horrendously complicated I'd have no chance to implement it myself if I needed to.